
Grow Sales & Loyal Customers with Waakif Order Management & Customer Marketing

AI-powered online ordering, streamlined operations, and data-driven marketing for loyal fans, not just orders.

AI-Powered Insights

Advanced Data Analytics

Integrated Solutions

Waakif Loyalty Program


Step 1

Signup, Add Catalog & Your Store is Live

Sign up with Waakif and effortlessly add your business details. Prepare your product catalog and get your online store up and running in no time.

Step 2

Configure Loyalty & Start Taking Orders

Add your products, configure loyalty programs, and start taking orders seamlessly. Waakif makes it easy to manage your inventory and customer relationships.

Step 3

AI Marketing & Customer Retention

Leverage AI-powered marketing with WhatsApp, email, and text messages. Engage your customers and ensure retention with smart, automated strategies.

We're meant for all the Businesses, You Ask. We Can!



Salons & Spas

Discover the engagement using

customer marketing

AI Campaign

AI Templates


WhatsApp Marketing

  • 2.4 Billion Global Users: WhatsApp boasts a vast user base, making it an ideal platform for marketers to reach a diverse audience.
  • 98% Message Open Rate: Messages sent via WhatsApp are almost guaranteed to be opened, far surpassing the open rates of emails and SMS.
  • 45-60% Click-Through Rate: The high click-through rate ensures that your marketing messages not only reach but also engage your audience.
  • 38 Minutes Average Engagement Per User Daily: Users spend a significant amount of time on WhatsApp, providing ample opportunity for your marketing messages to be noticed.

Email Marketing

  • 4 Billion Global Users: Email marketing reaches a vast audience, making it a crucial tool for businesses.
  • 20-30% Open Rate: While lower than WhatsApp, email open rates still allow for significant outreach.
  • 3-5% Click-Through Rate: Email campaigns have a decent click-through rate, ensuring some engagement with your audience.
  • Frequent Engagement: Regular emails keep your brand top-of-mind, promoting consistent customer interaction.

SMS Marketing

  • 5 Billion Users: SMS marketing reaches a vast audience, making it a powerful tool for businesses.
  • 90% Open Rate: SMS messages are highly visible, with most being opened and read shortly after delivery.
  • 4-6% Click-Through Rate: SMS marketing ensures decent engagement, with a significant success rate.
  • Immediate Reach: SMS messages are read quickly, often within minutes, providing an efficient way to deliver time-sensitive information and promotions.

Together, we're unstoppable. Let's solidify our commitment to your success.

Let's talk Numbers!


More ROI Leveraging Campaigns & Customer Data.


Higher Chance of Customer Retention Analytics & Insights.


Boost Average Order Value by Targeted Strategies.


is All it Takes, Elevate Your Store Online Instantly!